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New records added to the Iter Bibliography

In September 2012 nearly 20,000 new records were added to the Iter Bibliography, including material from the following newly indexed journals:

  • Britannia
  • Bulletin - Association Guillaume Budé
  • Christian history & biography
  • Dance chronicle
  • Dance research
  • Dance research journal
  • Enarratio
  • English folk-dance society's journal (The)
  • Folk music journal
  • Homo: journal of comparative human biology
  • Journal of the English folk dance society (The)
  • Journal of the folk-song society
  • Journal of the northern Renaissance
  • Latinitas perennis
  • Maclean's
  • Magic, ritual, and witchcraft
  • Medieval clothing and textiles
  • Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
  • Postmedieval
  • Revue de linguistique romane
  • Revue de philosophie ancienne
  • Revue française d'histoire du livre
  • Romance studies
  • Sefarad
  • Transactions of the Philological Society

1,750 journal titles, published since 1784, are now indexed. Review the full list of titles, and corresponding coverage, here.

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