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Iter and the CRRS co-publishing The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: Toronto series

The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: Toronto series

Margaret L. King and Albert Rabil, Jr., series editors

Co-published by Iter and the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University in the University of Toronto, the first nine volumes in the series are now available:

  • Journey of Five Capuchin Nuns (Madre María Rosa), edited and translated by Sarah E. Owens (2009)
  • Love in the Mirror (Giovan Battista Andreini), edited and translated by Jon R. Snyder (2009)
  • Two Women of the Great Schism: The Revelations of Constance de Rabastens by Raymond de Sabanac and Life of the Blessed Ursulina of Parma by Simone Zanacchi, edited and translated by Renate Blumenfled-Kosinski and Bruce L. Venarde (2010)
  • The True Medicine (Oliva Sabuco de Nantes Barrera), edited and translated by Gianna Pomata (2010)
  • Dramatizing Dido, Circe, and Griselda (Louise-Geneviève de Sainctonge), edited and translated by Janet Levarie Smarr (2010)
  • Complete Poems (Pernette du Guillet), edited by Karen Simroth James and translated by Marta Rijn Finch (2010)
  • Saints' Lives and Bible Stories for the Stage (Antonia Pulci), edited by Elissa B. Weaver and translated by James Wyatt Cook (2010)
  • Celinda, A Tragedy (Valeria Miani), edited by Valeria Finucci and translated by Julia Kisacky (2010)


To order print copies of series volumes contact the CRRS. Online editions of Other Voice volumes will be available through Iter later this year.


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