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The Iter Bibliography is now Zotero-enabled!

The Iter Bibliography is now Zotero-enabled. Visit the Zotero web site for information about this easy-to-use, web browser-based tool for collecting, organizing, citing, and sharing your research sour ...

16 Nov. 2010

New records added to the Iter bibliography

In October 2010 over 10,000 new citations were added to the Iter Bibliography, including material from the following newly indexed journals: Cahiers de linguistique et de civilisation hispanique m& ...

05 Oct. 2010

Retrospective indexing of Renaissance and Reformation / Rénaissance et Réforme complete

September 2010 Iter is pleased to announce that retrospective indexing of Renaissance and Reformation / Rénaissance et Réforme is complete. We now offer the full text of the j ...

21 Sep. 2010

Iter releases Confraternitas

Summer 2010 Iter is pleased to announce the release of our newest online journal, Confraternitas, a refereed publication featuring brief articles, news and notes of interest to colleagues, notic ...

29 Jun. 2010

New records added to Iter's Bibliography

In April and May 2010 nearly 20,000 new citations were added to the Iter Bibliography, including material from the following newly indexed journals: American heritage American literary history Cu ...

06 Apr. 2010

Bibliography of English Women Writers, 1500-1640 now online

May 2010 Iter and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are pleased to announce the release of the newest publication in our Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studie ...

26 May. 2009

A new home for Iter

May 2010 Iter is pleased to launch a new web site, offering significant upgrades, improved navigation,  and new resources: The Iter Bibliography has been moved to the Endeca pl ...

26 May. 2009


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